Feature Projects

Feature Projects


Generation Stations

Conawapa Generation Station Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for the environmental planning and assessment of this 1,485 MW generating station on the Nelson River in northern Manitoba, prior to regulatory approvals submission (corporate decision not to proceed). Involved management of internal technical staff from several departments, four large consulting firms, numerous smaller consultant companies and staff from four Indigenous communities. Included regular liaison with senior Manitoba Hydro and Indigenous staff and representing the corporation in meetings with regulators as well as the media and general public, through numerous community open houses and public presentations, often as the sole corporate representative.

Keeyask Generation Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for environmental assessment and regulatory approvals (CEAA 2012, federal Fisheries Act, The Environment Act – Manitoba Class 3) submissions for a 695 MW generating and 25 km access road in remote northern Manitoba. Involved management of internal technical staff from several departments, four large consulting firms, numerous smaller consultant companies and staff from five Indigenous communities; chairing a joint Manitoba Hydro-First Nation EIS Coordination Committee dealing with regulatory management issues; senior corporate representative on large (~100-person), diverse (elders, resource users, youth, etc.) First Nation multilateral workshops on several key/sensitive technical issues (e.g., fish passage, caribou, etc.); regular liaison with senior Manitoba Hydro and Indigenous staff and representing the corporation in meetings with regulators as well as the media and general public, through numerous community open houses and public presentations, often as the sole corporate representative; senior/lead/final editor of regulatory documents and provided strategic/technical support during public hearings; senior corporate representative in workshops/meetings with senior regulatory representatives to negotiate sensitive environmental issues such as multi-million dollar fish passage facilities.

See project

Grand Rapids Generating Station and Jenpeg Generating Station Zebra Mussel Mitigation and Treatment, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro (subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Limited)

Primary author of a report describing proposed environmental compliance guidelines for Manitoba Hydro generating facilities for zebra mussel treatment. The report specifically targeted ongoing design of mechanical modifications to water supply systems and mechanical equipment at two generating stations to perform chemical treatment to mitigate colonization of zebra mussels. As there was no specific provincial regulatory approvals procedure in Manitoba, the study involved reviewing similar case studies in other provinces, including treatment and monitoring, handling and disposal methods, and a risk assessment in terms of application to Manitoba. It included a review of federal (Fisheries Act Wastewater Treatment) regulations and Ontario Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks approvals requirements, and concluded with a recommended approach for Manitoba Hydro.

Keeyask Hydropower Sustainability Assessment, Northern Manitoba

International Hydropower Association (with Manitoba Hydro)

Subject expert participating in an external sustainability assessment of the 695 MW Keeyask hydropower project, located near the town of Gillam in northern Manitoba, Canada, on the Nelson River. The assessment was undertaken using the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol developed by the International Hydropower Association and involved an evidence-based performance assessment covering 22 topics including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management, Communications and Consultations, Infrastructure Safety, Economic Viability, Procurement, Labour and Working Conditions, Project-Affected Communities and Livelihoods, Indigenous Peoples, Cultural Heritage, Biodiversity and Invasive Species, Erosion & Sedimentation, Water Quality, Reservoir Planning, and Downstream Flow Regimes. The project was assessed as meeting or exceeding basic good practice for all of the 22 topics assessed, with several assessed as performing at the level of proven best practice.

See project

Wuskwatim Generation Station Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project manager for the environmental assessment and regulatory approvals for a new 211 MW generating station on the Burntwood River and 48 km access road in northern Manitoba. Involved the management of internal technical staff from several departments, four large consulting firms, numerous smaller consultant companies and staff from the local Indigenous community; senior corporate representative on large (~100-person), diverse (elders, resource users, youth, etc.) Indigenous multilateral workshops on several key/sensitive technical issues (e.g., fish passage, caribou, etc.); regular liaison with senior Manitoba Hydro and Indigenous staff and representing the corporation in meetings with regulators as well as the media and general public, through numerous community open houses and public presentations, often as the sole corporate representative; senior/lead/final editor of regulatory documents and provided strategic/technical support during public hearings; represented the department/corporation on committees and in workshops/meetings with senior regulatory representatives to negotiate on sensitive environmental issues.

See project

Pointe du Bois Generation Station Project, south-eastern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project manager for the environmental planning and assessment of a 100-year old 75 MW generating station (1 Straflo and 16 horizontal Francis turbines) on the Winnipeg River in Southern Manitoba. The primary challenge was sustaining a population of Lake Sturgeon, a federally-protected fish species, and involved extensive field studies, habitat modelling, and negotiations with regulators.

Notigi Generating Station Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for the environmental planning and assessment of a potential 100 MW generating station in northern Manitoba (conversion of an existing control structure), prior to regulatory approvals submission (corporate decision not to proceed).

Gameti Renewable Energy Project Regulatory Overview and Engagement Plan, Northwest Territories

Atco (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Senior Technical Reviewer for components of a renewable energy feasibility study for the community of Gameti, in the North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories. Current energy needs are served with heating oil, diesel generators and gasoline, and the study included the site selection, environmental/ regulatory issues, and engagement strategy associated with renewable energy options, including wind, solar, hydropower and biomass.

Jenpeg Control Structure/Eight Mile Channel Assessment, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro (with MacPlan Consultants Ltd.)

Project Biologist assisting in the evaluation of the impacts of “eight-mile channel” construction on the commercial fishing industry in Playgreen Lake, Manitoba. The operation of Lake Winnipeg Regulation was causing areas of peat along the shorelines to be eroded and clog the fishing nets. The project involved the use of satellite imagery and field calibration to track the movement of peat.

Fish Passage at Missi Falls Control Structure, Northern Manitoba

University of Manitoba/ Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Project manager of a study of the effects of the Manitoba Hydro Missi Falls control structure at the northern outlet of Southern Indian Lake, on the regional population of Lake Whitefish. The commercial fishing industry for this species collapsed in the early 1980s after impoundment of the lake. The study involved working with local Indigenous fishers and sampling in the lake, off the control structure and in several downstream lakes in the Churchill River, with statistical comparisons of morphometrics and meristics to group fish into populations and determine estimates of populations using (Jolly-Seber) mark-recapture techniques.

Limestone Generation Station Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Natural Resources Fisheries Branch

Project Biologist carrying out stream surveys and fish population monitoring in streams of the lower Nelson River in relation to Manitoba Hydro’s Limestone Project.

Remote Diesel Generation Stations Environmental Approvals, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project manager for federal environmental approvals (s. 67 of CEAA 2012) submissions for upgrades to four remote diesel generation stations in northern Manitoba at the Indigenous communities of Lac Brochet, Tadoule Lake, Brochet and Shamattawa.


Transmission Lines

Fibre Optic Cable Environmental Assessment, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba

Westman Communications

Project Manager and lead author for the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the installation of fibre optic cable in Riding Mountain National Park in support of a Notice of Intent and to facilitate an Environmental Effects Determination (EED) under section 82 of the federal Impact Assessment Act. The area provides habitat for several species protected under the Species at Risk Act, including two insects, three herptiles, 10 birds and two mammals. The assessment considered all relevant biophysical and socioeconomic components, with mitigation and determinations of significance. Other legislation considered included the Fisheries Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994, Canada Wildlife Act and the Canada National Parks Act, as well as those acts that regulate contaminants, such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Hazardous Products Act.

Environmental Best Management Practices Manual, Saskatchewan


Project Manager and Lead Author for an Environmental Beneficial Management Practices Manual that describes the environmental protection requirements for SaskTel during the various activities it carries out during the planning/routing, construction and maintenance phases of a project. Involved a review of applicable legislation, roles and responsibilities for internal staff and contractors, potential effects of activities, and regulatory requirements. The output was a series of protection measures organized into BMPs for various aspects of the environment (surface water, waste management, spills and releases, sensitive habitat, bio-security, etc.).

Evaluation of Potential Changes to the CEAA 2012 Project List, Ottawa

Canadian Electricity Association (CEA)

Coordinated a process to determine potential effects and providing recommendations to potential changes to the CEAA 2012 Project List (Regulations Designating Physical Activities), as part of the proposed IAA (Bill C-69). Involved working with a committee composed of senior environmental managers with unique perspectives from eight separate utilities across Canada to compile existing information on the various mechanisms utilities use to manage the current legislation and work with each utility (through telephone/emails) and collectively (through conference calls) to identify concerns and propose solutions. Developed a report with consolidated recommendations that was used as part of a CEA submission to the federal government as part of the public review process.

Birtle Transmission Project, Western Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for the routing, environmental assessment and regulatory approvals submission for a 46 km 230 kV AC transmission line from the Birtle Station Manitoba to the Saskatchewan border. The routing methods used for this Project are based on those developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC) for overhead electric transmission line siting.  The routing process included field studies and several rounds of engagement with Indigenous communities and organizations, including local municipal councils, conservation districts, non-government organizations, affected landowners and several provincial departments. It also involved coordination with SaskPower to determine a border crossing location for the transmission line. The final preferred route was determined with the help of input from the engagement processes and environmental studies.  Particular attention was given to the 6.4 km length of transmission line passing through the Spy Hill-Ellice Community Pasture, as it contains large intact areas of mixed grass prairie and supports several species of conservation concern, including grassland birds such as chestnut collared longspur and Sprague’s pipit. Given the presence of rare and endangered species, emphasis was placed on an adaptive management approach that proposes monitoring and triggers for implementation of additional mitigation measures, if required.

See project

Poplar Bluff Transmission Project, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for the routing, environmental assessment and regulatory approvals application for a 16.5 km 230 kV transmission line to connect an existing transmission line located in the RM of Portage la Prairie to the future Roquette pea processing plant.  The project used a routing process that included engagement with Indigenous groups, the RM of Portage La Prairie and affected landowners, and identified areas of concern. The route location was modified based on input and environmental conditions, and the structure type was also modified based environmental conditions. The final route is located primarily on or adjacent to agricultural lands and an abandoned railway bed, and crosses several small areas of natural vegetation. The environmental assessment included an evaluation of potential cumulative effects and effects of the environment on the Project, as well as an analysis of potential accidents, malfunctions and unplanned events. It also includes a description of the environmental protection program developed for the Project, including the various roles, communication protocols, and commitments to monitor Project activities and manage potential effects. Potential effects were mitigated through the routing process and the short construction period (six months) during the fall and winter.

See project

Manitoba Minnesota Transmission Project, Southern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Senior Regulatory Advisor for the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project, a 213 km 500 kV AC transmission line in southern Manitoba connecting to the Great Northern Project in the US. Involved strategic advice on CEAA 2012, National Energy Board Act, The Environment Act (Manitoba), and Clean Environment Commission Public Hearings.

See project

Riding Mountain National Park Transmission Project, Riding Mountain, Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Senior Regulatory Advisor for a 34 km 115 kV transmission line passing through Riding Mountain National Park, included issues associated with s.67 of CEAA 2012.

See project

North-Central Transmission Project, Northeastern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Technical Advisor for the development of Codes of Practice for a project involving the construction of 520 km of transmission and distribution lines from Kelsey Generating Station on the Nelson River to Oxford House, God’s Lake Narrows, God’s River, Red Sucker Lake, Garden Hill, Wasagamack and St. Theresa Point in north-eastern Manitoba. The purpose of the proposed project was to provide the communities, currently served by local diesel generating plants with unrestricted electrical supply and involved a joint federal-provincial panel review process.

Bipole III Transmission Project

Manitoba Hydro

Senior Regulatory Advisor for the environmental assessment and regulatory approvals for a 1,384 km 500 kV HVDC transmission line in western Manitoba, including leading the development of core components of the EA document.

See project

Environmental Policy and Practices Manuals, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Coordinator for the development of five environmental policy and practices manuals addressing all potential concerns for hydraulic, thermal, transmission, distribution, and remote diesel facilities.  Involved an extensive multi-year analysis interviewing Hydro staff at various levels of responsibility, field visits, detailed regulatory review, and included development of fish habitat protection/management plans for all relevant aspects of Manitoba Hydro`s operations.

Regional Planning Assessments and Management Plans

Fox Lake Resource Management Area Land Use Plan and Natural Resources Management Plan, Northern Manitoba

Fox Lake Resource Management Board (FLRMB)

Project manager reporting to a First Nation-provincial co-management board responsible for addressing land use and natural resources management issues in an 8,042.1 km2 (3,105 sq. mi.) area spanning the Nelson River to Hudson Bay. The FLRMB was established in 2004, as part of a settlement agreement between the Fox Lake Cree Nation (FLCN) the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro to address past impacts from hydroelectric development in the lower Nelson River area. The work involved identifying/ mapping existing infrastructure, priority scientific/government natural resources, commercial/recreational natural resources and land use, and important community resources and land use. The intent was to define important FLCN Community resources and land use activities/locations relating to aspects such as resource harvesting, culture and spirituality, economic opportunities and development plans. It included a review and analysis of all of the existing provincial management objectives and community guidance organized around the important natural resources and land use activities. The analysis identifying areas of potential conflict as well as areas of potential opportunity (e.g., ecotourism), in order to establish management zones and management policy.

Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment of Manitoba Hydro Developments on the Churchill, Burntwood and Nelson River Systems, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Sustainable Development and Water Stewardship/Manitoba Hydro

The Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment is a joint undertaking between Manitoba Hydro and the Manitoba Government to assess environmental change and socio-economic effects over almost 40 years in the main areas directly affected by Lake Winnipeg Regulation, Churchill River Diversion and associated transmission projects. Phase I involved research on the history of hydroelectric development, and a summary of available information and understandings of the socio-economic effects experienced by communities in the main areas directly affected by the projects. Phase II involved analysis of the changes and various mitigation and compensation measures applied over the years. Role including participation as the Transmission representative on the Manitoba-Manitoba Hydro Working group, developing and reviewing text for the reports, and a presentation to the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission.

Upper Assiniboine River Basin Study, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

Federal-Provincial Water Quality Committee (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project manager for a land use/water quality study of the Upper Assiniboine River Basin study with frequent liaison with a Technical Committee consisting of senior representatives from numerous federal and provincial regulators, including Environment Canada, Manitoba Conservation, Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Sask Water, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, and Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.  The Study was a response to public demand for the resolution of the diverse and persistent water management issues in the Basin. Water related issues included: conflict between agricultural drainage interests and downstream flooding, uncertainty over water supplies, concerns over the disappearance of wetland and wildlife habitat, and complaints linked to the quality of the Basin’s water bodies and aquifers. The purpose of the Study was to develop a water management framework to guide future water management in the Basin to resolve these issues.

See project

Land Use Capability Study, Northern Manitoba

Northlands First Nation (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project manager for a Land Use Capability Study as part of a First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) study, researching and mapping (GIS) land use opportunities (agriculture, fishing, potable water, mining, traditional) and constraints (third party interests) for Northlands First Nation (Mb.).

Zebra Mussel Research Project, Manitoba

National Research Council  (with Dillon Consulting Ltd.)

Manager of a research project to determine risks and appropriate protection measures for all categories of water use facilities in Manitoba. Involved examining water chemistry databases and determinants of zebra mussel survival (temperature, pH and calcium) to develop a risk map for Manitoba, and then an assessment of vulnerabilities and treatment options for main industry sectors, in terms of each type of water use facility.

Pembina Valley Regional Water Supply Project, Southern Manitoba

Pembina Valley Water Co-operative (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator for the environmental planning, siting and assessment of a project to supply domestic water to a region of southern Manitoba via a pipeline network. Included environmental inspections/monitoring of domestic water supply pipeline construction, fisheries field work to assess concerns regarding creek crossings, fisheries inventories of river withdrawal/discharge points, licence application under The Environment Act, and panel presentation/defence at a Manitoba Clean Environment Commission public hearing.

See project

Irrigation-Impoundment Project, Southern Manitoba

Agassiz Irrigation Association (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project planner/biologist investigating all potential environmental impacts associated with a proposal to divert flows from intermittent streams in southern Manitoba to a series of impoundments for irrigation purposes. Included documentation of fisheries, wildlife, soils, groundwater and archaeological concerns.

Zebra Mussel Risk Assessment and Control, Letellier, Manitoba

Manitoba Research Council/Manitoba Water Services Board (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist conducting research to develop zebra mussel provincial risk mapping and determine risks and appropriate protection measures for all categories of water use facilities in Manitoba, and developed a pilot study of the Letellier Water Treatment Facility to assess risks and develop a control strategy. Led to participation in the Manitoba Zebra Mussel Task Force.

Master Drainage Plan, Southern Manitoba

La Broquerie and Hanover Rural Municipalities (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project planner for a Master Drainage Plan associated with the development of hog barns and associated road upgrades in south-western Manitoba.

Natural Resources Management Plans for Military Training Areas, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Manager for the development of several large-scale multiyear natural resources management plans for several military training areas, including CFB Suffield (2,700 km²), CFB Wainwright (609 km²), CFB Shilo (400 km²), and CFD Dundurn (90 km²).  These military training areas support some of the largest tracts of relatively intact natural prairie grasslands on the Canadian prairies, in addition to several rare wildlife species.  In addition to intensive military training involving the use of ground troops, artillery and heavy armoured vehicles, the areas support cattle grazing and oil and gas extraction facilities.  The work involved multi-year field programs, public/Indigenous engagement and the development of plans that sustained important resources while facilitating the various activities.  The work also included the development of several environmental awareness training videos for new troops visiting the training areas.


Sustainability Assessments

Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol Trial, Winnipeg, Manitoba

International Hydropower Association (for Manitoba Hydro)

Lead role in using information from two Manitoba Hydro projects in the planning phase of development to assist the International Hydropower Association in evaluating the Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol. The trial involved two sections of the Protocol: section II as it applied to the (200 MW) Wuskwatim and (695 MW) Keeyask generating projects, and section III as it applied to the Wuskwatim project. The projects were used to work through and assess the effectiveness of the various attributes and aspects of the Protocol, including the categories and approaches for assessing topics such as project siting, economic viability, regulatory approvals, social impact assessment, Indigenous people, cultural heritage, environmental impact assessment and management.

See project

Keeyask Hydropower IHA Sustainability Assessment, Northern Manitoba

International Hydropower Association (for Manitoba Hydro)

Subject expert participating in an external sustainability assessment of the 695 MW Keeyask hydropower project, located near the town of Gillam in northern Manitoba, Canada, on the Nelson River. The assessment was undertaken using the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol developed by the International Hydropower Association and involved an evidence-based performance assessment covering 22 topics including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management, Communications and Consultations, Infrastructure Safety, Economic Viability, Procurement, Labour and Working Conditions, Project-Affected Communities and Livelihoods, Indigenous Peoples, Cultural Heritage, Biodiversity and Invasive Species, Erosion & Sedimentation, Water Quality, Reservoir Planning, and Downstream Flow Regimes. The project was assessed as meeting or exceeding basic good practice for all of the 22 topics assessed, with several assessed as performing at the level of proven best practice.

See project


Federal Facilities

Environmental Reviews of Facilities on Reserve Land, Manitoba and Northwest Ontario

Indigenous Services Canada (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Senior Technical Reviewer for numerous Environmental Review submissions to Indigenous Services Canada in support environmental approvals the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 for proposed projects on federal reserve land in Manitoba and north-western Ontario. Examples include the following:

  • Roseau River First Nation – Health Care Facility and (5 km) Access Road
  • Kingfisher Lake First Nation – New K4-10 School Project
  • Theresa Point First Nation – Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project
  • Barren Lands First Nation – Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
  • Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninnuwug First Nation – Reservoir and Booster Station
  • Mathias Colomb Cree Nation – Jordan’s Principal Building
  • Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation (Red Gut First Nation) – 12-Lot Subdivision Project Clearing
  • Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Health Centre
  • Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Child Care Centre
  • Sandy Lake First Nation – Berens River Bridge and (30 km) Road Realignments
  • Fort William First Nation – Car Wash Facility
  • Lake Manitoba First Nation – School Feasibility Study
  • Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation – School Feasibility Study
  • Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation – School Construction
  • Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation – Water Treatment Plant Project (mitigation measures compliance report)
  • Tataskweyak Cree Nation – Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project
  • Norway House Cree Nation – Jean Foster Place Building
  • Waywayseecappo First Nation – Water Treatment Plant

Zebra Mussel Control Protocol for Barren Lands First Nation Wastewater Treatment Plant, Northern Manitoba

Indigenous Services Canada (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Development of a zebra mussel monitoring and treatment protocol for a wastewater treatment facility that discharges into Reindeer Lake as part of a proposed upgrade project on the Brochet Indian Reserve No. 197. Included background research on habitat requirements, current distribution; treatment and protection systems including coating and chlorination dosing; and monitoring of water quality and surveillance on local beaches and docks.

Fibre Optic Cable Project, Riding Mountain, Manitoba

Westman Communications

Project Manager and lead author for the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the installation of fibre optic cable in Riding Mountain National Park in support of a Notice of Intent and to facilitate an Environmental Effects Determination (EED) under section 82 of the federal Impact Assessment Act. The area provides habitat for several species protected under the Species at Risk Act, including two insects, three herptiles, 10 birds and two mammals. The assessment considered all relevant biophysical and socioeconomic components, with mitigation and determinations of significance. Other legislation considered included the Fisheries Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994, Canada Wildlife Act and the Canada National Parks Act, as well as those acts that regulate contaminants, such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Hazardous Products Act.

Stanley Community Pathway Project, Morden, Manitoba

Stanley Trail Association and City of Morden

Project Manager and lead author for the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for a portion of the Stanley Community Pathway Project, a 9 km active transportation/recreational pathway, to be built along the north edge of an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) property. The Project was a collaboration between the Stanley Trail Association, the City of Morden, RM of Stanley and the City of Winkler and the location represents the western most pathway connection joining the two neighboring communities through the RM of Stanley corridor. The EIA was developed to determine whether the Project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects under section 82 of the federal Impact Assessment Act for projects and activities on federal land. The assessment considered all relevant biophysical and socioeconomic components, with mitigation and determinations of significance. Other legislation considered included the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994 and Canada Wildlife Act, as well as those acts that regulate contaminants, such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Hazardous Products Act.

Environmental Impact Assessment, East Site Air Cargo Development Project, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Winnipeg Airport Authority (Subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Ltd.)

Project Manager for the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in support of and Environmental Effects Determination under Section 82 of the Impact Assessment Act for the demolition of several existing buildings and the construction of a new multi-tenant cargo logistics facility and supporting infrastructure at the Winnipeg James Richardson International Airport. Supporting infrastructure includes airfield cargo expansion, parking lots, sewers, watermains, aircraft operating areas and taxiways. The EIA examined potential effects on a full array of biophysical and socioeconomic components. The Project is part of the Airport’s Master Plan 2033.

Airport Environmental Baseline Studies, Western and Northern Canada

Transport Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator addressing all natural environment issues (impacts and management) associated with Environmental Baseline Studies of 17 Transport Canada airport facilities across Canada, including the following: Regina and LaRonge airports, Saskatchewan; Winnipeg International Airport; Dryden, Lynn Lake and The Pas, Manitoba; Arctic “A” airports, including Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Hay River, Cambridge Bay, Inuvik, Norman Wells, Fort Simpson; Kamloops andVictoria International Airport, B.C.

Military Facility Environmental Baseline Studies, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator on all natural resources issues for four separate environmental baseline studies/audits.  Involved site visits to 22 sites across British Columbia  and 12 sites across Manitoba and northwestern Ontario to characterize environmental sensitivities and areas of potential non compliance in terms of legislation.  Involved comprehensive overview of marine, terrestrial, and freshwater environment, including mapping and sensitivity analysis. Facilities included CFB Halifax (Nova Scotia), CFB Esquimalt (B.C.), CFB Winnipeg (Manitoba), CFB Comox (B.C.)

Environmental Assessments of Military Training Areas, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator/Technical Advisor for five federal comprehensive environmental assessments under the auspices of CEAA. 1992.  Included extensive multi-year field studies (many sites had native prairie/rare and endangered species), GIS mapping, extensive regulatory/stakeholder/public liaison and the development of habitat management plans with long-term mitigation/restoration/compensation and monitoring components. Often dealt with addressing impacts to fish and fish habitat from military and non-military (e.g., cattle, sewage treatment, etc.) activities, and applying the federal Fisheries Act. Facilities included CFB Shilo (Manitoba), CFB Suffield (Alberta), CFD Dundurn (Saskatchewan),  CTC Chilcotin (British Columbia), CFB Borden (Ontario).

Environmental Awareness Training Videos, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Producer, on-site Director and script writer of environmental awareness training videos to introduce new troops the issues, sensitivities and regulatory requirements at several military training areas: CFB Shilo (Manitoba), CFB Suffield (Alberta), WATC Wainwright (Alberta).

CFB Portage la Prairie Decommissioning, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator on aquatic environment issues associated with the decommissioning of CFB Portage and transfer of the property to Southport Aerospace. Included water quality criteria research pertaining to environmental clean-up and site decommissioning.

Fort Churchill Ecological Risk Assessment, Churchill, Manitoba

Public Works and Government Services Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner an ecological risk assessment associated with the decommissioning of former US military dumps on shore of Hudson Bay, as part of the former Fort Churchill, located 8 km from Churchill.

CFAD Dundurn CEAA Screening, Dundurn, Saskatchewan

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist leading the environmental screening of a proposed fording site at a facility in Saskatchewan, involving a site visit to determine sensitivities and input into the design and planning to minimize effects during use.

CFB Calgary CEAA Screening, Calgary, Alberta

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Environmental screening of the decommissioning of a facility used to store unexploded ordinance.

Military Training Areas Natural Resources Management Plans, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Manager for the development of several large-scale multiyear natural resources management plans for several military training areas, including CFB Suffield (2,700 km²), CFB Wainwright (609 km²), CFB Shilo (400 km²), and CFD Dundurn (90 km²).  These military training areas support some of the largest tracts of relatively intact natural prairie grasslands on the Canadian prairies, in addition to several rare wildlife species.  In addition to intensive military training involving the use of ground troops, artillery and heavy armoured vehicles, the areas support cattle grazing and oil and gas extraction facilities.  The work involved multi-year field programs, public/Indigenous engagement and the development of plans that sustained important resources while facilitating the various activities.

CEAA EA of Pan Am Sailing Marina, Gimli, Manitoba

Town of Gimli (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project manager for federal and provincial environmental assessment/approvals of a proposed marina facility for the 1999 Pan Am Games sailing venue. Involved designing and leading public engagement, regulatory liaison and author of EA Report in support of a licence under The Environment Act and CEAA Screening Report.

CEAA Screening of Sealift Operations, Iqualuit, Nunavut

Canada Coast Guard (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator for a CEAA Screening of the sealift operations, involving the annual re-supply of goods and materials to Nunavut that are needed throughout the year. It involves the use of ships travelling from several southern Canada ports with a variety of goods ranging from construction materials, vehicles, heavy equipment, house wares and non-perishable items. Prior to the transfer to the Government of Nunavut the Canadian Coast Guard provided organizational and logistical support. The screening involved a site visit, characterization of the environment and activities, and the development of measures to manage potential risks to the environment.

CEAA Screening of Roseau River First Nation Health Care Facility, Southern Manitoba

Health Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Manager for and environmental assessment and CEAA Environmental Screening Report for a proposed health care facility on a First Nation reserve for Health Canada.


Water Control and Supply Structures

Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channel Project, Western Manitoba

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (Subconsultant to Stantec Consultants)

Project manager for the completion of an environmental assessment of a project designed to address flooding on Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin.  The project involves the construction of two channels more than 20 km long, with each requiring the construction of inlets, outlets, control structures and bridges, as well as some road realignment and the development and use of quarries.  The work involves managing technical workshops, public/Indigenous engagement, and the development of an Environmental Impact Statement and approvals under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and The Manitoba Environment Act.

Pointe du Bois Generation Station – Spillway Replacement Project, Eastern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project manager for the environmental planning and assessment of a 100-year old 75 MW generating station on the Winnipeg River in Southern Manitoba. The primary challenge was sustaining a population of Lake Sturgeon, a federally-protected fish species, and involved extensive field studies, modelling, and negotiations with regulators, as well as public/Indigenous engagement. The final plan involved maintaining the existing generating station, but replacing the spillway.

See project

Wawanesa Dam Project, Wawanesa, Manitoba

Manitoba Infrastructure (Subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Limited)

Environmental specialist providing input to an assessment and design options to address structural issues associated with an 80-year-old dam on the Souris River in the Town of Wawanesa, Manitoba. The dam facilitates the supply of water for the town and consists of a 70 m long overflow section consisting of concrete slabs at a 3:1 slope. Environmental issues included fish passage criteria and maintenance of exclusion of common carp, an invasive species, to upstream areas.  Work involved research and a site visit and input into rehabilitation or replacement options.

Portage Diversion Outlet Structure Project, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

Manitoba Infrastructure (Subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Limited)

Environmental specialist providing input to an assessment and design options to address structural issues associated with the outlet structure of the 29 km Portage Diversion Channel, constructed more than 50 years ago to address flooding issues on the Assiniboine River. The Outlet Structure is an 84 m wide, 23 m long reinforced concrete spillway with an approach, chute and stilling basin.  It was originally designed and constructed for an operational discharge of 708 cms. Environmental issues included wildlife habitat on adjacent land, fish habitat, spawning/migratory behavior, fish passage, the management of sediment, and the associated regulatory requirements. Work involved research and a site visit and input into design options.

Rapid City Dam Embankment and Fishway Reconstruction, Rapid City, Manitoba

Manitoba Infrastructure (Subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Limited)

Author of an Environmental Screening Report to support regulatory reviews of a project to repair/ reconstruct the Rapid City Dam and fishway that was destroyed in a 2020 flood. The dam was constructed more than 100 years ago for recreation and water supply, with a fish passage structure being installed in 1992 targeting walleye, yellow perch, rock bass, white sucker, and shorthead redhorse. Even prior to the flood damage the effectiveness of the fishway had degraded due to erosion and settling of weir structures. Therefore, there was an opportunity to improve performance and a key activity was developing site-specific fish passage design criteria, as well as fitting an updated configuration into the new design. The report documented a full environmental assessment of all relevant biophysical and socioeconomic components with an emphasis on fish populations and habitat, including the development of mitigation for all relevant physical, aquatic terrestrial and human components. The report provided support for regulatory applications under the Fisheries Act and Canadian Navigable Waters Act and supported discussions with provincial regulators regarding The Environment Act, The Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act, The Wildlife Act, and other applicable legislation.

Manor Pump Station Rehabilitation, Village of St. Peirre-Jolys, Manitoba

Village of St. Peirre-Jolys (subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Ltd.)

Provided environmental screening input into the design of pump station rehabilitation to address local flooding issues in the village that has caused road closures and threatened homes, businesses and municipal structures. The pump station is located on the banks of the community dike adjacent to Joubert Creek, and so fisheries issues were a key input into the design, in terms of outflow location to avoid in-stream habitat and sensitive timing windows during construction.

Small Impoundment Irrigation Project, Southern Manitoba

Agassiz Irrigation Association (with Dillon Consulting Ltd.)

Project planner/biologist investigating all potential environmental impacts associated with a proposal to divert flows from intermittent streams in southern Manitoba, to a series of impoundments, for irrigation purposes. Included documentation of fisheries, wildlife, soils, groundwater and archaeological concerns.

Shoal Lake Aqueduct Assessment, Eastern Manitoba

City of Winnipeg (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in reviewed and research associated with potential environmental impacts of improvement construction activities on the 153 km 100 year-old Shoal Lake Aqueduct that supplies drinking water from Shoal Lake Ontario to the City of Winnipeg.  Parameters included fisheries, wildlife and rare species concerns.

Dauphin Lake Assessment, Western Manitoba

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (with North/South Consultants)

Project Biologist involved in a study of Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, to investigate effects to water quality from land use practices.  Included stream surveys, fish aging studies, and ichthyoplankton analysis.

Rafferty Alameda Project, Estevan and Oxbow, Saskatchewan

Souris Basin River Authority (with Environmental Management Associates)

Pre-impoundment fish habitat assessment associated with the Rafferty Reservoir on the Souris River near Estevan and the Alameda Reservoir on the Moose Mountain Creek near Oxbow, Saskatchewan.

See project

Oldman Dam Project, Southern Alberta

Alberta Environment/Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division (with Environmental Management Associates)

Undertook aquatic fieldwork in numerous remote locations across Alberta and assessed potential habitat effects and compensation measures using analytical methods such as computer-based fish habitat models (HEP/HSI, IFIM/PHABSIM). Involved more than ten projects for the province of Alberta relating to the Oldman Dam project (on the Oldman, Bow, South Saskatchewan, Waterton, Belly, St. Mary, and Crowsnest rivers).

See project

Fish Passage at Missi Falls Control Structure, Northern Manitoba

University of Manitoba

Project manager of a study of the effects of the Manitoba Hydro Missi Falls control structure at the northern outlet of Southern Indian Lake, on the regional population of lake whitefish. The commercial fishing industry for this species collapsed in the early 1980s after impoundment of the lake.  The study involved working with local First Nation fishers gathering samples in the lake, off the control structure, and in several downstream lakes in the Churchill River, with statistical comparisons of morphometrics and meristics to group fish into populations determine and (Jolly-Seber) mark-recapture estimates of populations.


Roads & Bridges

Wuskwatim Access Road, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for the environmental assessment and provincial/federal regulatory approvals for a new 48 km access road between Provincial Road 391 (intersecting PR 391 at Mile 17, about 32 kilometres west of Thompson) to the proposed Wuskwatim Generating Station on the Burntwood River in northern Manitoba. Seven alternatives were closely examined through a year-long process of engagement with the nearest Indigenous community Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.  Involved leading technical teams, public/Indigenous engagement and negotiations with senior regulators on issues such as fish passage and effects to woodland caribou, and applications under the federal Fisheries Act.

Keeyask Infrastructure Project, Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project Manager for environmental assessment and regulatory approvals (federal Fisheries Act, The Environment Act – Manitoba Class 2) for two access roads to either side of the proposed Keeyask Generating Station, a 25 kilometre (km) north access road connecting the Keeyask project site with Provincial Road (PR) 280, and a 35 km south road linking the Keeyask Generating Station at the former Gull Rapids to Gillam, on the south side of Stephens Lake. Involved leading technical teams, public/Indigenous engagement and negotiations with senior regulators on issues such as fish passage and effects to woodland caribou, and lead author of EIS.

Omand’s Creek Culvert Rehabilitation, City of Winnipeg, Manitoba

City of Winnipeg (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in environmental field work to characterize aquatic and riparian habitat concerning the proposed Omand’s Creek culvert rehabilitation at Portage Avenue.  Participated in public open houses and provided design input regarding fish passage.

PTH 75 Bridge Upgrades, Emerson, Manitoba

Manitoba Infrastructure (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner conducting an environmental assessment of potential impacts of reconstruction activities for PTH 75 bridge at Emerson, which crosses the Red River.  Involved documenta­tion of fisheries, wildlife and vegetation concerns and preliminary mitigation strategy.

PTH 10 Upgrades, Riding Mountain National Park. Manitoba

Manitoba Infrastructure (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner carrying out environmental constraint mapping to identify sensitive habitats for PTH 10 modifications at the southern entrance of Riding Mountain National Park.

Transportation Risk Assessment, Manitoba

Manitoba Hazardous Waste Corporation (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner identifying environmentally sensitive areas in Manitoba, as part of a transportation risk assessment.  Particular attention was given to stream crossings.


NGTL West Path Delivery 2023 Project, Alberta

NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Development of applications for Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act approvals for several segments of gas pipeline stemming from approvals applications to the Canada Energy Regulator, under section 183 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act. The project components include 23 km of nominal pipe size (NPS) 48 Western Alberta System (WAS) Mainline Loop No. 2 Turner Valley Section (Turner Valley Section), 8.9 km of NPS 48 WAS Mainline Loop No. 2 Longview Section (Longview Section), and 7.2 km of NPS 48 WAS Mainline Loop No. 2 Lundbreck Section (Lundbreck Section). The applications address potential effects and proposed mitigations for numerous water crossings, temporary diversions, fish salvages and/or water withdrawal locations, with some being located in designated critical habitat for bull trout and/or cutthroat trout.

NGTL West Path Delivery 2022 Project, Alberta

NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Development of applications for Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act approvals for several segments of gas pipeline stemming from approvals applications to the Canada Energy Regulator, under section 183 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act. The project components include 18 km of nominal pipe size (NPS) 48 Edson Mainline (EDML) Loop No. 4 – Raven River Section (Raven River Section), and 5 km of NPS 48 West Alberta System Mainline Loop No. 2 Alberta British Columbia Section (ABC Section). The applications address potential effects and proposed mitigations for numerous water crossings, temporary diversions, fish salvages and/or water withdrawal locations, with some being located in designated critical habitat for bull trout and/or cutthroat trout.

Albersun Lateral Horizontal Directional Drill Project, Alberta

NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Development of the aquatic components of an Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment report in application to the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) under section 214 of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CER Act) for approval to construct and operate the NPS 10 Albersun Lateral Horizontal Directional Drill Project, and an application under section 45.1 of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) to decommission the portion of the existing Albersun Lateral under a shifting slope near the Horse River, approximately 1 km west of the City of Fort McMurray. The assignment included assembling baseline information from field studies, assessing effects to activities such as access road stream crossings, and developing mitigation measures.

Minell Gas Pipeline Creek Crossing, Western Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Senior Regulatory Advisor and regulatory liaison on National Energy Board Act issues for a segment of a 70 km Minell Gas Pipeline acquired by Manitoba Hydro and requiring some upgrading at a creek crossing.

Pembina Valley Regional Water Supply Project, Southern Manitoba

Pembina Valley Water Co-operative (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator for the environmental planning, siting and assessment of a project to supply domestic water to a region of southern Manitoba via a pipeline network. Included environmental inspections/monitoring of domestic water supply pipeline construction, fisheries field work to assess concerns regarding creek crossings, fisheries inventories of river withdrawal/discharge points, licence application under The Environment Act, and panel presentation/defence at a Manitoba Clean Environment Commission public hearing.

See project


Interpretive/Recreation Facilities

Stanley Community Pathway Project, City of Morden, Manitoba

Stanley Trail Association and City of Morden

Project Manager and lead author for the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for a portion of the Stanley Community Pathway Project, a 9 km active transportation/recreational pathway, to be built along the north edge of an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) property. The Project was a collaboration between the Stanley Trail Association, the City of Morden, RM of Stanley and the City of Winkler and the location represents the western most pathway connection joining the two neighboring communities through the RM of Stanley corridor. The EIA was developed to determine whether the Project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects under section 82 of the federal Impact Assessment Act for projects and activities on federal land. The assessment considered all relevant biophysical and socioeconomic components, with mitigation and determinations of significance. Other legislation considered included the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994 and Canada Wildlife Act, as well as those acts that regulate contaminants, such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Hazardous Products Act.

Assiniboine Park Duck Pond Restoration, Winnipeg, Manitoba

City of Winnipeg (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner for design of interpretive trail system for an urban wetland used for bird watching, design of restoration aspects of the Assiniboine Park Duck Pond (Winnipeg, Manitoba), integrating multiuse issues such as duck habitat, use of native vegetation, exclusion of Canada Geese, restoration of river-bottom forest, ice skating, and the English Landscape architecture style.

Whyte Ridge Community Centre Interpretive Trail, Winnipeg, Manitoba

City of Winnipeg

Project Manager responsible for selecting (through competitive proposals) a consulting firm and managing a feasibility study for a ~$5 Million building expansion project (including two public workshops), and selecting and managing two landscaping companies to develop an interpretive trail project (TransCanada Trails candidate), including developing funding proposals, developing design concepts, liaison with City staff and Manitoba Heritage Resources staff, for this community of ~10,000 residents.

Yellowknife Interpretive Trail, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

City of Yellowknife (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner for the design of an interpretive trail system for an urban wetland used for bird watching.


Environmental Audits/Management

Utility Environmental Management Policy and Practices Manuals, Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

Project coordinator of five environmental policy and practices manuals addressing all potential concerns for Manitoba Hydro’s hydraulic, thermal, transmission, distribution, and remote diesel facilities. Involved an extensive multi-year analysis interviewing Hydro staff at various levels of responsibility, field visits, detailed regulatory review, and included development of fish habitat protection/management plans for all relevant aspects of Manitoba Hydro’s operation.

Environmental Audits of Commercial and Residential Properties, Manitoba and Northwest Ontario

Angus Environmental Ltd. (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner completing audits at twenty two commercial and residential properties across Manitoba and Northwest Ontario. Included assessment of all activities for compliance with environmental legislation.

Environmental Audits of Commercial Facility, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Prudential Insurance Co. (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner completing an audit of commercial facility in Winnipeg. Included assessment of all activities for compliance with environmental legislation.

Environmental Baseline Studies of Airport Properties, Western and Northern Canada

Transport Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator addressing all natural environment issues (impacts and management) associated with environmental audits of the following airport facilities across Canada: Regina and LaRonge Airports (Saskatchewan), Winnipeg International Airport (Manitoba), Dryden Airport (Manitoba), Lynn Lake Airport (Manitoba), The Pas Airport (Manitoba), Arctic “A” Airports (Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Hay River, Cambridge Bay, Inuvik, Norman Wells, Fort Simpson), Kamloops Airport (B.C.), and Victoria International Airport (B.C.)

Environmental Baseline Studies of Military Facilities, Western Canada

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Coordinator on all natural resources issues for four separate environmental audits involving site visits to 22 sites across BC, and 12 sites across Manitoba and northwestern Ontario to characterize environmental sensitivities and areas of potential non compliance in terms of legislation.  Involved comprehensive overview of marine, terrestrial, and freshwater environment, including mapping and sensitivity analysis. Facilities included CFB Halifax (Nova Scotia), CFB Esquimalt (B.C.), CFB Winnipeg (Manitoba), and CFB Comox (B.C.).

Landfills and Water Treatment

Wildlife Control Assessment, Sourthern Manitoba

Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner/Biologist characterizing the environment of the 290 ha site and daily gull migrations associated with Prairie Green Landfill site prior to construction, and technical input for the development of wildlife control system after construction, to address potential effects associated with aircraft collisions, as the Winnipeg International Airport is located 8 km to the south.  Measures included prompt covering of waste, habitat management (vegetation height, standing water, etc.), active control measures (bangers, crackers, screamers, shells), and employee training.

Waste Management Study, Town of Hay River and Town of Coppermine, Northwest Territories

Town of Hay River and Town of Coppermine (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner/Biologist involved in characterizing the natural resources and impacts of operation, and research into potential environmental impacts of potential landfill sites as part of a waste management study.

Waste Disposal Site Ecological Risk Assessment, Churchill, Manitoba

Public Works and Government Services Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner an ecological risk assessment associated with the decommissioning of former US military dumps on shore of Hudson Bay, as part of the former Fort Churchill, located 8 km from Churchill.

Wastewater Treatment Planning and Approvals, Kilarney, Manitoba

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Association (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner on a proposed facility in Kilarney, Manitoba, adjacent to a watercourse.  Included management of compliance monitoring as part of licence requirements. Required expertise in water quality/aquatic habitat issues, and the federal Fisheries Act.

Lagoon Ecological Risk Assessment, City of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

City of Yellowknife (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner on an ecological risk assessment associated with converting a lagoon to a wetland with waterfowl habitat.

Hog Barn Master Drainage Plan, Rural Municipalities of LaBroquerie and Hanover, Manitoba

Rural Municipalities of LaBroquerie and Hanover (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project planner for a Master Drainage Plan associated with the development of hog barns and associated road upgrades in SW Manitoba .

Wastewater Treatment Planning and Approvals, Local Government District of Mountain, Manitoba

Local Government District of Mountain (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner on a proposed facility adjacent to a watercourse.  Included management of compliance monitoring as part of licence requirements. Required expertise in water quality/aquatic habitat issues, and the federal Fisheries Act.

Wetland Wastewater Treatment Monitoring, Oak Hammock Marsh, Manitoba

Ducks Unlimited Canada (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Manager of an aquatic monitoring study of Oak Hammock constructed wetland lagoons, to assess assimilative effectiveness.

Water Quality Assessment, City of Winnipeg, Manitoba

City of Winnipeg (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in water quality research associated with the design and use Combined Sewer Overflows, and regarding comparisons of background levels of several pollutants in the Red and Assiniboine Rivers to storm sewer runoff.

Aquatic Assessment of Lagoon, Dundurn, Saskatchewan

Department of National Defence (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in an aquatic impact assessment of lagoon operations into an intermittent creek, at CFAD Dundurn, Saskatchewan.

Guidelines Development for Lagoon Operations, Northwest Territories

Government of Northwest Territories Municipal and Community Affairs (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Technical advisor for the development of NWT construction compliance guidelines based on the assimilative capacity of down gradient wetlands/aquatic habitat.

Aquatic Assessment of Lagoon, Chesterfield inlet, Northwest Territories

Government of Northwest Territories Municipal and Community Affairs (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in an aquatic impact assessment of discharges to Arctic Ocean.

Regional Water Quality Study, Southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Sask Water (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Manager involved in research on the Upper Assiniboine River, examining impacts from municipal lagoons and septic fields.


High Lake Project Water Licence Renewal Application, West Kitikmeot region of Nunavut

MMG Resources Inc.(Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Senior technical reviewer of an application to the Nunavut Planning Commission and Nunavut Water Board to amend a Type B Water Licence for a seasonal 40-person camp and mineral (zinc and copper) exploration drilling activities. The site is located approximately 550 km north of Yellowknife and 175 km southeast of Kugluktuk, close to High Lake.

Izok Project Water Licence Renewal Application, West Kitikmeot region of Nunavut

MMG Resources Inc. (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Senior technical reviewer of an application to the Nunavut Planning Commission and Nunavut Water Board to amend a Type B Water Licence for an exploration camp located in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut approximately 256 km south of Kugluktuk. The exploration camp (Ham Lake Camp) has been in long-term care and maintenance and may be used to support engineering and scientific field studies and mining exploration activities related to potential future mine development and the Izok Corridor Project.

Lynn Lake Gold Project Environmental Impact Statement, Lynn Lake, Manitoba

Alamos Gold Inc. (Subconsultant to Stantec Consulting Ltd.)

Senior technical reviewer of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) submitted to the federal Impact Assessment Agency for the Lynn Lake Gold Project. The project consists of redevelopment of two open pit mine sites in the Lynn Lake area, in northern Manitoba, including the development of new mine infrastructure such as a new access road, central ore milling and processing plant, associated infrastructure, ore and overburden stockpiles, mine rock (waste) storage areas, and a tailings management facility. The project includes the construction, operation, decommissioning, reclamation, and closure of mining infrastructure at both sites, with an estimated maximum production rate of 8,000 tonnes per day, and total mineralized material to be mined from the open pits at both sites estimated to be approximately 26.1 Mt over 11 years.

Mary River Mine Regulatory Approvals

Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, Baffin Island, Nunavut (subconsultant to Hatch Consulting Ltd.)

Senior regulatory approvals advice and coordination of delivery of documentation supporting regulatory approvals for a multi-year mining project, which includes an open pit mine producing more than 4.2 million tonnes of iron ore per year, a 100 km road, 110 km railway and two shipping ports.  The complex regulatory approvals requirement involve the Nunavut Impact Review Board, Nunavut Water Board, Qikigtani Inuit Association, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, Canadian Transportation Agency, and Natural Resources Canada.

Water Quality Research, Northwestern Ontario

Wolfden Resources, Ontario (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in research into potential for toxic effects of acid rock drainage on local biota in the Patricia Mining Division, approximately 80 km west of Pickle Lake, Ontario.

Aquatic Study of Kimberlite Pipe, Northwest Territories

BHP Diamonds (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist conducting a limnological field study of a potentially impacted lake over a kimberlite pipe, associated with the Ekati Diamond Mine, Canada’s first surface and underground mine, located 310 km northeast of Yellowknife.  Also included conducting research on winter lake limnology requirements, and research on most appropriate fish sampling techniques as part of a monitoring program for a new diversion channel.

Ecological Risk Assessment, Thompson, Manitoba

INCO Ltd. (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist involved in an ecological risk assessment focusing on local fisheries and potential groundwater contamination associated with the nickel mine site.

Environmental Compliance Assessment, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Biologist/Planner involved in an environmental compliance assessment of the Giant Mine, an abandoned gold mine in Yellowknife, NWT.

Land Use Permit Application, Northwest Territories

Ashton Mining (with Dillon Consulting Limited)

Project Planner involved in negotiating an application of land use permit with DFO, focusing on a concern with drill slurry impacts to an adjacent lake in the Northwest Territories.

Pollution Control Monitoring, Timmins, Ontario

Texusgulf Inc.

Pollution Control Technician undertaking extensive routine monitoring of effluents and air emissions from the Kidd Creek metallurgical site, including aquatic/water quality studies of a tributary of the Porcupine River adjacent to the site.  The facility includes a concentrator, copper smelter and refinery, zinc plant, cadmium plant, indium plant and sulphuric acid plant.  The met site is located 27 km from the mine because of the muskeg-like terrain surrounding the mine.